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Bella Sara

I do not know if you've heard of trading cards for girls, but there is a new company called, Bella Sara. Bella Sara is centered around horses and I love horses! In the pack there were tattoos, stickers, five cards and a mini game. Each card has a positive message under a picture of a horse and a code to unlock a special "treasure".
Bella Sara is not just about trading cards. They have these tiny horses that are part of thier Miniature Series. They are so cute! They are made of this really soft velvet and are tiny and there is even a little stand for it.
You get to pick your own login name and it was pretty easy to navigate through the site. There is a lot to do at BellaSara. Kids get to take care of their horses, print pages to color and read stories. Bella Sara Treasures is the eighth series of the Bella Sara trading cards line.

Right now through April 30th, Bella Sara is having a contest where kids can win a Treasure Hunt Party.
I would like to thank Team Mom for this review opportunity.

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